nurture. play. inspire.
Math Musical

Play a collection of sample tracks of our original music!
Hospital Rock!
Children are often afraid of hospitals. HOSPITAL ROCK! is a magical, colorful introduction to the hospital using music and cartoon characters. The story of a cabaret-singing thermometer, needle, and friends, HOSPITAL ROCK! can be used either to entertain and soothe tired toddlers, or to teach children that the hospital can be a fun, magical, musical place! Play the DVD with your child or play the music in the car or at night to put him or her to sleep.
2-5 years

Doctor's Office Rock!
Join Polly, Chris, and their singing friends on a musical journey to the doctor. DOCTOR'S OFFICE ROCK! uses music and animation to expose kids to the kinds of new things they will encounter on a doctor's visit. With lively music, kind doctors and nurses, and fun friends, Polly and Chris will see that they can actually have fun at the doctor's office. Original music, combined with colorful cartoon characters, engage the senses and inspire calm, creativity, and curiosity. Children will want to watch again and again!
2-5 years

Math Musical Minds
Polly, Chris, and the gang are back, and this time, they have their toddler friends with them! A cast of colorful cartoon characters, magical animation, and original music unite to create a magical playscape of numbers. Children are invited to sing, clap, snap, and dance along with engaging music and rhythm, so they can interact with music while they are enjoying the new math concepts. The words to the original songs are displayed on the bottom of the screen, lit up in sing-along format, exposing children to new words that they can sing to, while they are playing with math!
2-4 years